
About NHAM

Now Happiness Abounds Music (NHAM)
It’s Non Heralded Awesome Musik.
A New Herald About Musique.

…Where each month a new mixtape (and listen-along video) of brilliant sounds from The Fediverse are posted.

Think of it as a joyous record label of the future. 👩‍🎤 💿 🤖 🪩 🚀

One which takes nothing and gives all it can.

…Promotes the artists it likes the most without asking them for anything other than the permission to present them to others.

Because it’s Nice Hearing Attractive Muziek.

…And remember, kids: Never Heckle Another’s Musica!

How did NHAM come about?

I had been becoming increasingly aware of the evils of Spotify.

When I realised how much good music is being made by independent artists on decentralised platforms it inspired me so much I chose to end my Spotify subscription and instead commit to spend the money on 10-15 indy tracks per month. 

The stipulation is that the artists have a presence in The Fediverse (maybe featuring on Radio Free Fedi or with active Fediverse accounts) or are on open source platforms such as Bandwagon, FaircampFunkwhaleJam.coopMirlo, Resonate, Wavlake etc.