
Tag: Funkwhale

And So It Begins (Needles & Pins)

Fedivision 2024 opened my eyes to how much good music is being made by independent artists on decentralised platforms.

It inspired me so much I chose to end my Spotify subscription and instead commit to spend the money on 10-15 indy tracks per month. 

The stipulation is that the artists have a presence in The Fediverse (maybe featuring on Radio Free Fedi or with active Fediverse accounts) or are on open source platforms such as Bandwagon, Faircamp, Funkwhale, Jam.coop, Mirlo, Resonate, Wavlake etc.

This month (May 2024) I have set up a recurring donation to Radio Free Fedi and pledged to Mirlo’s kickstarter.

Next month I’ll publish the first NHAM mixtape.

For now here are the 12 songs that made my shortlist from the 72 entries in Fedivision 2024:

Dace Merryweather – ‘The Roses Outside Grow Suspiciously Red
Leigh Harrison, – ‘Tap My Toes’
The Rolling Poles – ‘GeoGuessr Song’
Marcus Bointon – ‘Federation
MyloFy feat. Aaron – ‘The Funniest Thing’
Alison Selby – ‘Sum of my Parts’
Faustine & Juliette – ‘Maudit’
Schall und Stille feat. MyLoFy & Tobias Stutz – ‘Mare
Jämezytee – ‘Shoot Away Pain
Cobalt – ‘Versio
Ferocious Designs – ‘Open Your Eyes’
Key 13 – ‘Misaligned Aardvarks

NB: Artist links go to their personal Fediverse accounts. Songs have links if the song is available on one of the Fair Music platforms or their own website (or Bandcamp).

The Listen Along Preview Vid: