
Tag: RFF

Shannon Curtis Live!

Woweee, that was quite the spectacular.

The penultimate gig of the ‘Good To Me’ tour, which has been wowing crowds across the United States over the last few months, came live from their very own basement.

Streamed via the Radio Free Fedi video platform this was an opportunity not to be missed for us Fedizens who live overseas or too far away to get to any of the shows.

Many of us who follow Shannon and Jamie on Mastodon have been getting updates of their state-hopping tour and lamenting the fact we are unable to be a part of it, until now. And judging from the live chat there were A LOT of us at the gig, yet we could all share the best seat in the house.

Despite not being connected to any audience feedback during the show, Shannon took time between songs to talk with us, sharing the stories behind them.

The Good to Me album was written in 2021 while Shannon was experiencing near-paralysing anxiety from the fraught state of the world. Namely the pandemic we were locked down in overlapping climate collapse and the rise of fascism.

She turned to her journal to write out her worries and work out ways to summon some power to heal herself, her communities, and the planet. Her quest for self-healing with a world on fire took her through failed coping mechanisms; making peace via radical acceptance; learning to trust her inner truth; and reconnecting to serenity and power.

The Good to Me album is the manifestation of those writings. It and the tour give us listeners inspiration to embark upon our own personal healing. We all face difficulties in different forms. Overcoming them, or at least coping with them, comes from within and Shannon has found a way to share the wisdom to do so thanks to banger after banger of nostalgia-driven, synth-heavy, electro pop.

With master of all things synth, her husband and collaborator Jamie Hill on keys, combined with Shannon’s truly incredible range of voice, plus a lovely light show to boot, this was a real treat served up as a beautiful demonstration of the incredible music scene we have in The Fediverse.

It’s a strong and burgeoning community thanks to the high calibre of artists and a genuinely enthusiastic audience and it feels really exciting to be part of.

Closing out with a couple of covers of 80s classics (which feature on the upcoming 80’s Kids album) Shannon and Jamie bid us farewell after a sublime, emotionally-driven performance. It must be truly breathtaking to be actually present in the arena and part of a live show.

And don’t get me wrong, I still love being in a sweaty crowd and will continue to take opportunity to be part of them, but to be able to just roll straight in to bed after a late gig on a school night was an added bonus. I woke up this morning still buzzing and wondering if it was all just a beautiful dream.

Fortunately it wasn’t and the great news is that the Radio Free Fedi live events scene has plenty more on the horizon.

Having already streamed various events sporadically throughout 2024 (including sknob unplugged and bgm live) there is a bumper roster of live events that will be streamed via @owncast on party.radiofreefedi.net. -Streaming the Radio Free Fedi Comfy Channel when there are no live events, on the bottom of that page you can see a list of upcoming events. I’m reliably informed there are plenty more hangouts, parties and live events set to be added for November too.

Thank you so much to @shannoncurtis, @hilljam and @radiofreefedi.

Be sure to visit shannoncurtis.net to listen to Good to Me as well as previous (and upcoming!) albums, and hopefully I’ll see you soon at another Radio Free Fedi event!

Beautiful Guitar Man Rocks Out

Following on from sknob on Wednesday, last night it was the turn of @bgm to put on a show for us giddy fedizens as part of @radiofreefedi’s series of live artist streaming events over the month of August.

This was a perfectly thought out set. Not just the setlist but also the aesthetics – Bedknobs and Broomsticks playing on the retro TV in the background surrounded by a plethora of gorgeous instruments – and the tech wizardry (seamless camera switches and graphic inlays) including recording of the event, meaning if you missed out live you can watch at your convenience on bgm’s Peertube!

Starting out with a tune played on what I was reliably informed by another attendee was a Q Chord (amazing!) bgm’s gorgeous voice accompanied a couple of his many guitars on display. First he was seated with an acoustic while the latter part of the show was full on stood with an electric.

bgm aka Brian/Bryan (sorry, unsure if it’s an ‘i’ or ‘y’) looked immaculate in his green hat, drumming cat combo and sounded absolutely superb. This man has true talent. I’m really loving these live sets and fortunately there are still a few more to come before the month is out. Check out the calendar here.

SKNOB Smashes Unplugged Performance for RFF

In his unique and sumptuous style SKNOB (@sknob) put on a belter of a show as part of @radiofreefedi’s distributed series of streaming performances and events in August.

Despite internet failure and fears of wildfires earlier in the day, SKNOB pulled through to give an electrifying performance in which the only thing left smoking was his live set.

Self-diagnosed as suffering from stage fright you wouldn’t have known had it not been declared, as one of The Fediverse’s favourite French sons smoothly serenaded the Fedifans present through a set of songs old and new with his Bryan Ferry-esque tones delivered with wit befitting Flight of the Concords.

It was thanks to a perfectly clear stream provided by @meljoann‘s Gravitons that we were able to enjoy a special hour of songs sung in English and French with plenty of funky dancing, singing along and an encore that quite frankly we would all have liked to have kept going and going.

Despite the sadness at the show ending we don’t have long to wait for another. Tomorrow at 21:00 UTC @bgm will be performing. Details in the link above.

Sknob might be bonks backwards but he certainly flung us Fedizens forwards tonight. Thank you, sir.

B-O-N-K Everybody talk about !

And So It Begins (Needles & Pins)

Fedivision 2024 opened my eyes to how much good music is being made by independent artists on decentralised platforms.

It inspired me so much I chose to end my Spotify subscription and instead commit to spend the money on 10-15 indy tracks per month. 

The stipulation is that the artists have a presence in The Fediverse (maybe featuring on Radio Free Fedi or with active Fediverse accounts) or are on open source platforms such as Bandwagon, Faircamp, Funkwhale, Jam.coop, Mirlo, Resonate, Wavlake etc.

This month (May 2024) I have set up a recurring donation to Radio Free Fedi and pledged to Mirlo’s kickstarter.

Next month I’ll publish the first NHAM mixtape.

For now here are the 12 songs that made my shortlist from the 72 entries in Fedivision 2024:

Dace Merryweather – ‘The Roses Outside Grow Suspiciously Red
Leigh Harrison, – ‘Tap My Toes’
The Rolling Poles – ‘GeoGuessr Song’
Marcus Bointon – ‘Federation
MyloFy feat. Aaron – ‘The Funniest Thing’
Alison Selby – ‘Sum of my Parts’
Faustine & Juliette – ‘Maudit’
Schall und Stille feat. MyLoFy & Tobias Stutz – ‘Mare
Jämezytee – ‘Shoot Away Pain
Cobalt – ‘Versio
Ferocious Designs – ‘Open Your Eyes’
Key 13 – ‘Misaligned Aardvarks

NB: Artist links go to their personal Fediverse accounts. Songs have links if the song is available on one of the Fair Music platforms or their own website (or Bandcamp).

The Listen Along Preview Vid: