
Nueva Hora Agosto Mix – NHAM Mixtape 3

Tune in, slip back and enjoy the summery-haze vibe of the third NHAM mixtape. Recommended accompaniment: A spare three quarters of an hour, a warm sun, a light breeze, a comfy spot and a cool drink.

(Apologies to folk listening in the Southern Hemisphere. Despite this mix being a ‘hot summer’ soundtrack the tunes are all super enough to be enjoyed in any weather, but it’s in the dripping heat of the hottest summer month that they’ve been put together at my end so it does have a natural summer vibe!)

  1. Ricky a.k.a. Impulso BioelectricoSay Yeah
    Arrrrgh Yeah. Pump it up. When the sun shines and the heat hazes, this classic hip hop groove is the perfect accompaniment. I only wish it were three times as long. Ricky is from Palma in Spain and this track comes from the 2023 album De Buenas a Primeras – a collection of fine, short tunes.
  2. Key 13L.U.C.A.
    Key 13 has such a varied bank of works it was hard to know which song to choose, but I really love L.U.C.A. Some great vocal effects combine with synthetic and natural instruments for a beautifully balanced piece. It’s a pretty telling of the story of the connected nature of us and all life on earth.
  3. DigitsLost Dream
    If you told me this was a new Junior Boys track I’d not have any reason to doubt it. -From the soft yet authoritative vocal to the jittery electronic beeps and beats. That by the way is very much a compliment as Junior Boys are one of the favourite artists of my lifetime.
  4. BandstahlI’m falling
    Okay, if you’re not in a hot place right now just close your eyes and imagine being on a sandy beach in the sun with a cool breeze blowing through as you listen to this. Life’s good, isn’t it? That’s how this one makes me feel. Deep beat, luscious vocal, warm bass, I’m falling!
  5. White TownTimeslip  
    Yes, THE White Town – I told you the coolest kids reside in the Fediverse. I was a touch obsessed with Your Woman back in 1997, so finding Jyoti aka White Town in The Fediverse was a very pleasant surprise. Timeslip is a joyous-sounding, catchy number although the lyrics hint at something darker in the underbelly.
  6. AxWaxSchrödinger’s Bonk
    What is Bonk? Can you handle Bonk? Take a dive in to the Bonkwave with master-proponent of the illusive movement to find out! I’d tell you more if I knew but I’m still working Bonkwave out myself a month or so after taking my first dive in to its depths. The one thing I do know so far is that I like it!
  7. XylanderHectic Life (Busy Busy Busy!)
    This is truly masterful. A 50 year old tape of Xylander’s uncle and grandmother recording a message to another family member has been expertly set in to a speedy dance track. Xylander lists Squarepusher and Autechre among his influences and you can really hear it in his work.
  8. FastacheeLonely Negatives 
    I love the way this track builds as it wakes up from the intro and moves through the gears before unearthing some rare Fastachee vocals in the second half. It’s got industrial vibes, in the electronics department, and has a real get up and go about it.
  9. YACHTFinger in Your Eye 
    Fine, jaunty, indy-pop from Young Americans Challenging High Technology – something all of us within The Fediverse are doing whether we realise it or not! I was big in to YACHT back in 2009 so to have rediscovered them via Mastodon this month was a true delight. To then catch up on everything I’ve missed in recent years and hear that they’ve not lost any of their fun, unique sound means I’m now fully back aboard the vessel!
  10. Fräulein Verdrieslich & Torsten TorstenJackentaschen-Chanson  
    According to the deepl translation tool Jackentaschen-Chanson translates as Jacket Pocket Song. I found this version on Torsten Torsten’s Peertube account and it’s a lovely live performance by the two artists in a park on a summer’s day. Apparently they had about 50 more verses for the song they could have included. Sadly my German isn’t good enough to know what they’re singing about but the joy from the performance needs no translation. I also love that at the start of the recording you can just hear the end of Fräulein singing Caravan of Love – one of my all time fave songs.
  11. Huge SharkA Prayer for Rain  
    Just like with Kydia in the NHAM 1 mixtape a powerful voice sucks me in so deep here. On this occasion it’s that of Valerie Polichar of Huge Shark. She wrote this song back in 1990 in reference to the droughts experienced in California at the time due to the early onset of climate change. The fact that things have only got worse since make this record continue to stand out. I want future generations to live lives where they can enjoy the best things in life such as Valerie’s voice and music without being impeded by the dystopian effects of climate change we’re hurtling toward. In order for that to happen we need to make radical changes to the way we live at present, and quickly!
  12. The Liquid ClearSociate  
    Just like in last month’s mixtape the closing track is one to leave you hanging there, yearning for more. Experimental producer Bree D aka The Liquid Clear makes sumptuous sounds from Washington. Sociate is just one of many examples that can be found on her Bandcamp profile. It carries a spacey, nostalgic vibe complete with Joy Orbison style break down. Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Nueva Hora Agosto Mix – NHAM Mixtape 3

  1. Fantastic playlist! Somehow you’ve captured a vibe in one list from a hugely varied groupd of artists on the fediverse.

    Picked up a few new accounts to follow as well.

    Thanks for introducing me to Yacht!

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