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RFF Nostalgia

I discovered so many great songs and artists on Radio Free Fedi, it’s ridiculous. Here are but a few that delighted me, among so many others, in no particular order.

Nothing by SideSister
Great arrangement, singing and composition, and there’s even a cool video. What else could you ask for?

All Of Us by Single Bass
Such a great combination of pared down esthetics and perfect songwriting. Goose bumps.

Loriol by Johann Bourquenez
Johann is an accomplished, awe-inspiring pianist and his album explores a lot of different musical spaces, including drone music. On a piano. You read that right. (Oh and do me a favor, while you’re on his Faircamp site, check out A Little Sad Waltz on his Jamuary 2023 album).

Forgotten and Then Found by Unwoman
I had to stop whatever I was doing every time that harpsichord riff came on the radio. You have been warned.

F​@​#$ Money! by Sam Douglass
This is a delightful two-minute rock song that I never tire of, and the rest of the album also kicks a@#S.

Allergy Boy by BGM
Songwriting perfection? The lyrics, melody, harmony, arrangements, singing (and the video) are just mind-blowingly clever and delicate and beautiful. I want to be BGM when I grow up.

If you like any of these (and how could you not?), go tell the artists, you’ll make their day, trust me. Every compliment counts.

And buy their music if you can. I know I did.

Posted by sknob

Seasoned franglophone songwriter recently spotted in the rugged scrublands of southern France.

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