SKNOB Smashes Unplugged Performance for RFF

In his unique and sumptuous style SKNOB (@sknob) put on a belter of a show as part of @radiofreefedi’s distributed series of streaming performances and events in August.
Despite internet failure and fears of wildfires earlier in the day, SKNOB pulled through to give an electrifying performance in which the only thing left smoking was his live set.
Self-diagnosed as suffering from stage fright you wouldn’t have known had it not been declared, as one of The Fediverse’s favourite French sons smoothly serenaded the Fedifans present through a set of songs old and new with his Bryan Ferry-esque tones delivered with wit befitting Flight of the Concords.
It was thanks to a perfectly clear stream provided by @meljoann‘s Gravitons that we were able to enjoy a special hour of songs sung in English and French with plenty of funky dancing, singing along and an encore that quite frankly we would all have liked to have kept going and going.
Despite the sadness at the show ending we don’t have long to wait for another. Tomorrow at 21:00 UTC @bgm will be performing. Details in the link above.
Sknob might be bonks backwards but he certainly flung us Fedizens forwards tonight. Thank you, sir.
B-O-N-K Everybody talk about #BONKWAVE!
@mixtape I’m speechless (literally, but also figuratively). Merci for your rêve review !!!
@radiofreefedi @meljoann @bgm